In recent years ADR has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal profession as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement short of litigation. Some courts now require parties to seek ADR of some type, usually mediation, before permitting the parties' case to be tried. In fact, recent changes to the rules of the Federal Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia requires that applicants in certain proceedings must take genuine steps to resolve a dispute before issuing proceedings and must file a statement to the Court outlining these steps at the time of commencing proceedings.

ADR Partners was created as a business that specializes in processes for alternative dispute resolution with a particular emphasis on mediation. The team at ADR Partners believes that a well conducted mediation process will deliver benefits to disputing parties over and above those attainable through arbitration or court proceedings. Some of these benefits include the timeliness of dispute resolution which has a major impact on cost both direct and indirect, the flexibility of the process which generally leads to less stress on participants than a court appearance plus enhanced satisfaction with the outcome and finally there is the important matter of confidentiality and privacy that the mediation process delivers.

Mediation is an accepted and proven method of resolving disputes across a variety of circumstances including those related to commercial, family, neighbourhood, property and workplace matters. Using the team at ADR Partners you will experience professionalism to the highest level with those who mediate having been accredited to National Mediator Standards. Members of the team are also required to undertake on-going professional development of their mediation skills.

Looking to resolve
a dispute?

The team at ADR Partners welcomes your enquiry and we look forward to working with you in an attempt to resolve your dispute.

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