The pressures of modern life have tended to raise stress levels in both the community and related neighbourhood's such that matters that once may have been dealt with by a chat over the back fence or a meeting at the community hall now have a tendency to lead to heated arguments with unintended consequences. This situation has been exacerbated in modern day Australia by a continuing inflow of people from all over the world who bring with them many different customs and ways of resolving disputes. Disputes in the community and neighbourhood can arise from a variety of different circumstances including the following:

  • Building Construction
  • Overhanging Trees
  • Facility Use
  • Street Games
  • General Noise
  • Strewn Rubbish
  • Late Night Functions

The team at ADR Partners are sure that having read this list you may well recall circumstances in your street or neighbourhood that have led to a dispute between neighbours or where the community have sought to have a say in how the action of a Council will have an unintended effect on them.

ADR and in particular mediation is an ideal process to help resolve disputes arising from circumstances such as those set-out above. In general, mediation is particularly appealing for the resolution of multi-party disputes such as those that involve a number of members or groups in a community. The team at ADR Partners have learn't how to manage disputes that involve multi-parties and can provide a mediation process that will be cost effective and efficient for the resolution of community and neighbourhood disputes.

Looking to resolve
a dispute?

The team at ADR Partners welcomes your enquiry and we look forward to working with you in an attempt to resolve your dispute.

Contact us